so long 2022:)
It’s the last day of 2022!
I hope you’re enjoying today whether it be spending time with family and close ones or having a relaxing day in your own company. Last year I spent the new years in Japan self isolating back home but this year I’ve stayed put in the UK spending the holidays here. I’ve had the past week off from work which has been great because I finally got to spend time with Kylan after so long! I mostly spent my time watching movies, seeing friends, and eating nonstop. I had amazing homemade food for both Christmas eve and Christmas day thanks to my friends and housemates- they truly made the holidays a thousand times better!
I had an early start to the Christmas celebration this year by going to London the week before with Gail to see the Christmas markets and it was a lot of fun! We went to go see Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park and stuffed ourselves with all the food we could possibly get our hands on! The decorations and food stalls added to the Christmas mood and I’m glad I finally got to go this year! I also had a great Christmas party at work and my housemates and I enjoyed all the free food they were offering :) It was all fun and I couldn’t have asked for more for this year’s Christmas :)
I have only a few days off of work left but I am very thankful that I had this time to relax and unwind with close ones. This year was a mush of all kinds of things, from writing up my thesis to traveling with friends to starting my first job in publishing! It bit my butt for the most part but looking back, it was fulfilling and rewarding to say the least .Thank you to all who have helped me get through the rough times of the year and for being a part of making 2022 a good one. Let’s see what 2023 brings and hopefully it’ll be another year full of adventures and growth. I’m hoping to travel some more next year and my first stop will be Japan in the spring! I can’t wait to spend some time with my family and friends back home :)
Wishing you a happy new year and I hope to see you in 2023 :)